Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Wonderfully impressive stocking fillers for under £20

*If you are either of my sisters then please click away now!
I don't normally enjoy christmas gift guides, because I struggle to pen my loved ones into magazines pre subscribed boxes (if they're a boy look on this page, if they're sporty look on this page, etc) However I have very nearly finished my Christmas shopping (Martin Lewis the money expert would be proud, as I wanted to pay for my presents with October's salary leaving me November's for partying and December's for the January sales)

And whilst completing my shopping I have found (and bought!) some really pretty gifts that won't break the bank, so I thought I would share them with you. So here is the fabfrocks Christmas stocking gift guide. 6 great things to suit any under £20 budget and perfect for every single girl I know!
Next week i'll be bringing you another 6 items for those with a bigger budget; under £35. And if anyone is reading this looking for gifts for me then those gloves have particularly taken my fancy; I couldn't believe they were only £18!

Enjoy your Christmas shopping everyone!
Love, Tor xx


sabrina said...

Love the gloves, been looking for some for ages XX

Make Do Style said...

those gloves are tops and I love the colour!

Katy said...

Oh my goodness, those gloves are GORGEOUS.

Dressed and Pressed said...

Loving that Oliver Bonas necklace. £10 you say? Fab!