It's not easy having bleach treated locks; they dry out quickly, break easily, and turn to looking brassy almost within the blink of an eye. It's a constant battle, but I fight it because although my hair has been every colour under the sun, I just love the way I look when i'm blonde!
I have been using the Tony and Guy lightening shampoo and conditioner, which contains colourant to keep hair constantly lightened. It makes my colour look great but it's so harsh that even when conditioned twice my hair still feels brittle and is a nightmare to comb through. So when I was asked to try the new Mark Hill refresh your blonde anti yellow shampoo and conditioner, I thought what have I got to lose!!

The biggest suprise though was that I could pull a brush through my hair without crying; and given that usually I have to have my boyfriend help my comb the back because it is too rough and knotted to do myself, this is a major discovery! And once blow dried my hair feels like silk; and looks the colour of milk, even without the harsh lightening power i'm used to!
I'm sold, and relieved from his daily battle with the frizz ball that is my mane, I suspect the boyfriend will be running to the shop to stock up on enough of this stuff that he never has to approach me with a brush and a steely look in his eyes ever again!
Love Tor xx
ooooooh im gonna give this a try! I am newly blonde and they say its easy becoming a blonde but the battle is to stay one! and there not lying! tried all sorts of conditioners to keep my hair from dying and then last week noticed that the colour was changing! sigh! so will give this a go xoxoxox
Congrats! I must say, blonde really does suit you!
sounds good - where is it stocked?
Kirsty B - Give it a go and good luck: blondes really do have more fun!
KD - Thank you! You've made me blush!
Kate - It's stocked in boots and is suprisingly inexpensive; around £6 a bottle which is cheaper than the tony and guy stuff!!
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