I tell you these stories of happy barbie-obsessed childhood days, because I relived them all when I saw the "Barbie loves Pauls Boutique" collection by Pauls Boutique, celebrating 50 years of everyone's favourite doll. Although these bags were launched last month in Selfridges, they arrive at ASOS on Monday, meaning anyone not living in London, or not wanting to leave the comfort of their computer chair can get their paws on one:

Can I see myself buying one of these and walking around the town? Realistically no, it's a little too cutesy for me. But I also disagree with several feminist bloggers that have written negative things about the bags infantalising women or encouraging negative body images.
To me, this bag is for all the girls that wanted a barbie backpack, but had a sensible hardwearing one from Adams instead. It about reminiscing over memories not quite lost or, dare I say it, still enjoying the concept of playing with dolls as a grown up! Carrying one doesn't make you a "barbie girl" or a "bimbo". It's such a shame that anyone buying this bag will have to justify why they did, when in actual fact, it's entirely up to them!
As far as i'm concerned, any women (independent or not, because its still up to you to choose) can dress how they please, buy the bags they want, and celebrate the icons that they cherish, without fear of being seen as 'infantalised' or 'being associated with a childrens toy'. And, on a final note, being a feminist doesn't mean you can't like barbie! The ability to like what you like without gender stereotype means that you can buy whichever cutesy bag or t shirt you like. Now where is my rainbow brite top.....
Lots of love,
Tor xx
Indeed! There is still a terrible feminist tendency to concern itself with feminine dress choice rather than tackle gender discrimination and also explore the feminine world/space not just reflect masculine patriarch ideas of what is right, proper, worthy etc.
I was deeply uncool and loved Sindy x
I was also more of a Sindy fan, she seemed more lifelike to me, She seemed more classy and English to me! (I had a brunette and a redhead Sindy as well as 2 Barbies and Skipper (sister) Sindy became more "Barbie like" over the years. I had the Barbie house too - best Christmas ever!!!
You have a talent for phrasing things so well!
I love the Barbie purses!
their only in London?
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