Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Kate Moss for Topshop SS09 hits stores tomorrow

I think the title says it all: if you liked the last Kate Moss for Topshop collection you'll probably like this one (they all seem a bit samey to me!) There is a twist this time though: In a first for Topshop, the new collection includes seven key pieces sporting prints inspired by Liberty's design archive. They hit the stores tomorrow morning, so get up bright and early and hit the shops, whichever side of the Atlantic you happen to be on!
When I saw these pictures I was more interested in how Kate looked than in the dresses. There's no doubt that Kate looks amazingly gorgeous in these shots. She says the look was inspired by photos of her mum in the 70s. But when I see these images it only reminds me how important styling and good photography is in promoting a campaign, and that getting that right can turn almost anyone into a model.
I'm not a huge Kate Moss fan although I do admire her attitude and her business acumin. But when you put the usual photos you see of Kate (looking hungover, wearing those faded jeans again, hair slicked back and almost always looking the wrong side of wash day) alongside these its almost impossible to tell they are the same person. And would you be inclined to buy a dress sold by the Kate you often see in the tabloids? Selling clothes is like selling yourself in any line of work: you have to look the part to convince other people that you are!
I don't yet know how these dresses look in person (rest assured I will be trying them on for your viewing pleasure!) but it always scares me a little when clothes are overstyled to look good- if Kate Moss needs that skirt swirling around her waist for it to look good, how is it going to look on me?! Does everyone remember the boxy star shirt from the last collection? They had to unbutton all but one button to make that work and nobody brought it!
Having said that, I always say that a good hair cut and the right make up can make anyone look and feel better about themselves, and Kate Moss is certainly living breathing proof of that! She looks absolutely stunning and i'm even toying with digging out my old rollers and giving that hair 'do a go myself!
Lots of love,


Make Do Style said...

You are so right - why the over styling, airbrushing etc but on the other hand the great Topshop design team do get a good look together. I'm never that convined but its not aimed at me although I did buy the silver maxi skirt from first collection as it is genius!

I'm not a Moss fan because I'm so bored of the celebrity aspect - I'm all fot unnamed clothes horses.

PS it's Kate - Make do style with my new blog!

Sarah-Rose said...

From what I've seen? I'm not amazed by it, though I do love the Liberty Poppy print!