
Wednesday 10 July 2013

Primark AW13: The first campaign images are here!

Hi guys,
We're finally having our first heat wave of the year, so it seems natural that now would be the perfect time for me to start talking about autumn/winter. Because what everyone wants right now is a new winter coat! Seriously though, the first campaign images from Primark for autumn have been released, and I knew I had to share them as soon as I saw them!

The unwearable crop tops and youth-focus of the spring/summer collection has gone. Instead it's been replaced with a grown up, lady like range that is really wearable and very covetable. There are so many pieces I'm lusting after that it's hard to know where to begin:
 photo primarkwinter1_zps0da40178.png  photo primarkwinter2_zpsbc5a3438.png  photo primarkwinter3_zps792fa20c.png Image 1:Leopard print sweater, £10. Ring sets from £3.
Image 2: Nude coat, £32. Nude cropped jumper, £10. Nude trousers, £12.
Image 3: Black and white jumper, £14. Black skirt, £14. Black heels, £16.
Image 4: Leather sleeve coat, £28. Shirt, £12. Trousers, £12. Bag, £10. Trainers, £12.
Image 5: Grey and black dress, £17. Bag, £4.
Image 6: Pink coat, £25.

Where do I even start with my list of items I'm coveting? Obviously, because I'm a coat addict, I'd like the leather sleeved cream coat. The full faux leather skirt is just made for teaming with a vintage-style tee and heeled ankle boots. And that leopard print sweater has my name written all over it!

I really do like this collection. It feels like it's aimed at 20-somethings, rather than the teens and pre-teens of the past couple of seasons. What do you think? Is there anything you really like from Primark autumn/winter so far? Or is it just too early to start thinking about your winter wardrobe?

Love Tor x

1 comment:

  1. Hello pink coat, I can't wait to welcome you to my wardrobe..
