
Monday 8 July 2013

Daily Wear: The Perfect Stripey Dress From Joules

Hi guys,
I have written before that on a day to day basis I have a very specific mummy uniform that I tend to wear: simple blouses, pumps, and skinny jeans. I still wear fashion-focused clothes a lot too (mostly at weekends or when I'm going out without the baby) but for running errands, crawling around on the play mat and going to baby groups it's the mummy uniform all the way: I suppose that's one of the bonuses (and downsides) of working from home. However occasionally, I find a compromise dress like this one. It's simple and preppy so it fits in perfectly with my mummy uniform, but it's a little more dressed up and smarter too:
 photo joules2_zps179628a7.jpg  photo joules3_zps72b8da7d.jpg  photo joules1_zps3532cabf.jpg The dress is from Joules (It's the Thurwell heavyweight dress and it costs £49.95). I've teamed it really simply with my new Minna Parrika bunny pumps, black suede tassle bag from Hotter, Missoni sunglasses and black leggings. No fuss, no jewellery. Just an easy to wear outfit that I know is quickly going to be a go-to look for busy weekdays.

The dress is made from a lovely and soft, but really heavy sweatshirt material. The thicker fabric means the dress hangs really well and looks super flattering. It also comes with the added bonus of not needing to be ironed which is a massive plus for me: and there aren't many dresses you can say that about! And I just love my new bunny shoes: I've had them on almost constantly since they arrived. They make every outfit look a little bit happier!

I'm not the only one that's been wearing lovely Joules products this week: you can read Wilbur's review of his new little nipper short suit over on the Fabfrocks and Family blog.

Love Tor x

*I was sent this dress from Joules for the purpose of this review

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