
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Just one month today....

Hi guys,
Apologies for the gushy post in advance, but in exactly one month today I will be marrying one of the best men i've ever known. I can't wait. To celebrate the milestone (am I allowed to start counting down the hours yet??) here are some sneaky peaks of what I will be wearing on the big day:
Can you guess which details are from which part of the outfit?! Of course I won't be revealing the full dress until the big day: i'm not really superstitious, but who wants to take the risk of jinxing anything?!

I know i've shown you the shoes before, but they're still as gorgeous as ever! And the bundle of brooches? That's my bouquet! I've written about my love of brooches before, but what you might not know is that I also suffer very severe hayfever (both tree, grass, and flower pollen) meaning I really didn't want to carry a bouquet. So when I saw pictures of brooch bouquets on a series of wedding blogs I was inspired, and set about making my own: this is it, and i'm completely in love with it!

Anyway, enough wedding chat! Normal blog service will resume tomorrow, I promise!
Love, Tor xx


  1. Aw you must be so excited! Those shoes are absolutely gorgeous, I can't wait to see the whole outfit!

  2. I love your bouquet idea, amazing! Sending advance congratulations your way! xxx

  3. EEk! Mine is just 45 days away!! Its so exciting! But I dont even have a dress yet! :P uhoooh! :) But one lady is making it so hopefully I WILL have something to wear at least :P

  4. that brooch-bouquet is GORGEOUS! such an amazing idea

  5. awww bet you cant wait,wishing you every happiness and hope you have a great day :)

  6. i can't wait! super happy for you tor... hello kitty dear daniel wedding toys are still available if you're up for it :) *bisou*
