
Thursday 1 October 2009

This week I will be mostly wearing...


So, tomorrow morning I am going to l'hopital to have a small operation on my hand. (Nothing to worry about!) This will leave me house bound for a little wee while whilst I recover and also unable to type properly for a couple of weeks. Stuck at home without being able to blog?? It's unspeakable I tells ya!! What will I do?!
Photo of me and my sisters in PJs taken last Christmas day (it is a family tradition not to get dressed!) This housesuit is washed and primed ready for wear next week!! .

The plus side of all this is new pajamas to take to the hospital, and lots of slobbing about at home wearing pajamas too. My hundreds of pairs of PJs (i'm an addict!) are all laundered and folded and prepared: standing primed and ready for action: their time has come! I love wearing my pajamas, and most days I immediately put mine on as soon as I get home: our house is definitely a pajama house! Even the boyfriend has gotten involved!
I have been writing like crazy this week, and have scheduled some posts for the next couple of weeks. The lovely bf and sister have also said that they will type whilst I dictate to them, so I will be able to post if any important or topical fashion ramblings pop into my head! And I will be back in real-time really soon!

I've noticed recently that although the prices of their PJs have gone up (they're now around £6, which I know isn't expensive, not they used to be £4!) Primarks PJs quality has gone down and the sizes have gotten smaller.
Last weekend Becky and I went to primark and picked 2 new pairs for my actual time in hopsital: sensible button up owl patterns to protect my modesty (plus, actually, the owl pattern is super cool!) and more lightweight grey jersey cow ones for if the heat in the damn place is pumped up to old lady temperatures: I rarely visit hospitals but when I do I find them hot and opressive!
Anyway, I will be back soon and until then I will be sitting at home wearing owl/sheep/ leopard/cow/insert almost any animal here pajamas getting better: surfing the web for a pair of pajamas with deers on. This will be my new obsession. Well, that and watching diagnosis murder. Every cloud has a silver lining!
Love, Tor xx


  1. Take care, and lots of love x

  2. Good luck with the operation! And I, too, LOVE pjs!

  3. prepaid game card

    Oh! That’s terrible! I pray that the hand operation will be a success and I hope you can come back to blogging soon.


  4. Removalist Melbourne

    You really know how to work it with your PJ’s. I wish you good luck on the operation.

  5. Take lots of care and lots of love - great PJs xxx

  6. Eep, hospital is always scary even if it's only a small thing. On a less ominious note, mad props on the Primark pajamas! I also have like a million pairs and it's also a family tradition with me and my two sisters to wear brand new PJs all Christmas day. Hope you feel better soon.
