
Wednesday 30 September 2009

Small Post: New Sunglasses

This is just a small post to share my new little purchase, as I am very pleased with it. Although it is technically the wrong time of year to be thinking about buying sunglasses, I am a terrible sunglasses murderer, and mine are often left missing limbs or eyes. I desperately needed a new everyday pair, because although it's getting colder, the Autumn sun is still very bright!

I popped into the Accessorize outlet (looking for slippers for my impending hospital trip rather than anything exciting or yummy) and found that, no doubt because of it being all the wrong season, all of their sunglasses were 70% off. I love Accessorize sunglasses, so I was like a kid in a sweet shop, trying on hundreds of pairs and looking for the best ones.

I settled on these, and with the 70% discount they were just £3.60!! They are a very yummy subtle leopard print with unusual silver trim and the shape suits my face perfectly (even if I do say so myself!!) I also got the long white lace gloves which the sunglasses are nestled on. The were reduced to £3 and I can see them being layered with everything this Autumn!

I know I often rave about outlet stores, and I am prepared to admit that they are often quite hit and miss, but at the moment the Accessorize one is definitely worth checking out!

Love, Tor xx


  1. Hehe, I got those gloves the other day! Bargain!
    They're nice sunglasses! I wish I could just go into shops and try them on but I need special lenses..

    Florrie x

  2. Thanks for the reminder - I work near there so have to been meaning to pop in and check sometime during a lunch break, but keep forgetting!

  3. good find and what is this about a little hospital trip?

  4. Oooh, lovely! I love reading about other people buying sunnies on their blogs because I have a terrible face for them, so I get to live vicariously through you. Not to mention those lovely gloves!

  5. administration traineeship
    Great finds! I love the white floral gloves and the sunglass is gorgeous.

  6. receptionist jobs

    Aw! It’s an adorable sunglass. I love the animal prints on the sunglass’s frame.
