
Wednesday 18 February 2009

Oh Betsey, Betsey, all I want is you.....

You can all yawn and turn away before I even start if you want to, but, for the oooh around a millionth time on this blog, I love Betsey Johnson! She's fun and crazy, she doesn't take fashion or herself too seriously, and yet again she's managed to create a collection I wish I was brave enough to wear every piece of.

When I read that there wasn't going to be a Betsey Johnson 'runway show' this season my heart sank and I filled with panic. Had the recession hit Ms J too? Would she like to come and live in my spare room, borrow my sewing machine, have me make her cupcakes? Marry her for visa purposes and then live in a run down cottage together for the rest of our lives? Luckily for her this was not the case. Don't worry, i'll get over it! I realised it was just another typical (if there can be such a thing) Betsey quirk; a small crowd invited to "Betsey Crockers Kitchen" in her showroom to showcase the new collection. According to Susie Bubble it was full of tasty treats! Oh how I wish I had been there!

Sadly I wasn't; i'm just not damn cool enough! But instead i've sated myself by looking at these pictures over and over again:-
Things on my wish list? The floral harem pants, the 80's style stripey leggings (a big post on the resurgence of all 80s trends this season will follow shortly)the dog t shirt, naturally, knitted pastel stripey shorts, and something made of monkey fur. Its looking like anyone who's anyone will be wearing oversized monkey fur next season; once is a quirk and twice is a trend my friends!

Oh and this has given me a great DIY idea; I stole the jacket from my boyfriends old suit and regularly sport it when slouchy around town at the weekends. All I have to do is cover the lapels in sequins, ala image 3, and I am bang on a Betsey trend! Something tells me a trip to the haberdashery is in order asap....

And if you need another reason to agree with my about my Betsey obsession (agree with me dammit, i'm sweating with the exertion of loving this woman so much!) I have one; Betsey was amongst the designers to dress "real life" barbie models this week at a show to celebrate the 50th anniversary of everyones favourite doll.
Oh Betsey! A lime green cupcake dress for a ditsy blonde?!
I''ll take it!!

Love Tor xx


  1. I do really like the Barbie dress!

  2. I love that green dress, I remember she one a very, very similar one at the end of a runway show once . . .

  3. I adore Betsey Johnson as well! I love her Fall 2009 collection!

  4. great collections. i love more the third outfit.

    hi Tor, you seemed to forget to add me in your blogroll. please do link me back im waiting. thanks a lot. :)
