OK, i'm prepared to admit it and i'm not sorry! I love Sex and the City and i'm really excited about seeing the next movie: I don't care if its a bt cheesy or if people think the franchise has sold out. I want to know what happens to my four favourite New Yorkers next, and I want to see what Carrie will be wearing.
Everyone relates to one or another of the SATC characters and one time or another: and I relate to Carrie. I also covet her wardrobe in ways I cannot comprehend, so much so that sometimes it makes my tummy hurt. And because this morning i've watched the trailer twice and i'm getting super excited about 'C' day (that's Carrie day) I thought it was the perfect day to share our Sex and the City stories (because i'm sure you all love it too!), look at pictures of Carrie looking perfect, and I want to know which character you most relate to; not everyone's a Carrie girl (My sister hates her, she says she's pathetic!)
I already have the day I will be going to see the movie pencilled into my diary: the date is set, the post-movie analysis cocktail bar chosen, the outfit planned. And because I have weddings on the brain at the minute, I couldn't resist sharing the picture of the girls in full wedding regalia!
Sigh - The Vivienne Westwood wedding dress is the dream, but sadly won't be the reality! Expect a full review of the new movie as soon as i've seen it: i'm sure there'll be lots to talk about! Will you be going to see it too?
Love, Tor xx
Agree with you, don't care what people think, love it! Also a Carrie!
You could buy 'the dress' on net-a-porter not long back! You should see if its there!
Also buy Carrie Diaries! Bought it yesterday, and its amazing!
I actually cant wait for it, ive loved satc for ageees and im itching to know whats happening for the girls!
Can't wait to see the new one, I have such lovely memories of watching all the dvds with my old flatmates, SATC and the girls' relationship will always remind me of us all. I'm a Miranda myself ;)
I have to go with Samantha since she's wearing my earrings in the new movie!
I can't wait either - regardless of it all it will be a great fun night out!
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