
Friday 25 April 2014

A Style Evolution!

Hi guys,
Style is one of those things that's constantly evolving. One day your hair is long, the next it's short. One day your a little girl who wants to wear everything pink, the next you're a surly teenage in a Nirvana tee. But I think my biggest style evolution has happened recently, when I became a mummy.

Before Wilbur I had all the time in the world to paint my nails, shop for exactly the right dress and visit the hairdressers. How I looked every day was an important part of determining how I felt. After Wilbur, I give my hair a quick brush and throw on my jeans, ready for a day of playing and running around after my energetic little man. My appearance comes secondary to his happiness and well being. Style is still really important to me, and I love any opportunity to get dressed up, but it isn't an important part of my day to day life any more.
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So here it is. The evolution of my style. We start with a little girl in white socks and T bar shoes who loved costume parties, travel through the questionable hair of my university years, make a stop via the curls and beads I sported seven years ago (has it been that long?) at my first ever blogging event, travelling through some of the happiest years of my life, living in London, and ending up here. In my own little corner of the world. As a mum that stills loves fashion, but that wears jeans more than frocks. And things have never been better. I wonder what my next style evolution will be!

This post has been written to celebrate Zalando's 3rd Birthday, and the evolution of their style in the three years since the site launched, and the three years I've been a regular Zalando shopper. How has your style evolved over time? And how do you feel when you look back at pictures of yourself from yesteryear?

Love Tor x

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful to start and beautiful to finish - must take after your Mum.
