
Thursday 20 March 2014

Life Lately, according to my iPhone....

Hi guys,
Spring has officially sprung, which means life lately has involved lots of outdoor family fun, some spring cleaning in the house and garden, and shopping for spring/summer clothes! When I look through my iPhone now I'm always surprised by how many pictures I manage to take of Wilbur in such a relatively short time frame: my phone used to be full of pictures of shoes! Anyway, here's what my life has been like lately, according to my iPhone:
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Trying my hand at making sugar roses to top cupcakes, We went to see the seals on Horsey beach, Hatching out of an egg at the Dino Park, Brushing ponies with Granny at Wroxham Barns. 
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Eating doughnuts and ice cream on Great Yarmouth beach, Our bare faced selfie for breast cancer awareness, nibbling on bunny biscuits (it is nearly Easter!), Fun at the soft play
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Riding the junior train with Wilbur, feeding the lambs at the farm, the new dino cushion I made for his living room chair (complete with initial!), home made cupcakes!

What have you been up to lately? And do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? I'm having dinner with a friend on Friday night then we're taking a trip to the dino park, and I want to get my hanging baskets planted!

Love Tor x

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