
Thursday 27 March 2014

Beauty: Adding Quirky Nail Embellishment

Hi guys,
It's amazing what you can buy for a pound: That is the official slogan of Poundland, and something I say all the time when I'm in there! When shopping for craft supplies yesterday I came across these Nail Rock nail emellishments, and at such an affordable price (less than the cost of my car parking) I just couldn't resist giving them a go.
 photo nailrock1_zpscc856740.jpg
They had two varieties instore: sweets and fruit. Obviously I went for the sweets! The lilac shade of varnish is by Models Own. I then sealed the embellishments in place using Nails Inc Kensington Cavier topcoat. The pack did come with nail glue but I didn't want to ruin my nails so I just secured them in place with varnish instead. I slept on them last night and they're still all in place, so so far so good! Here's how they look: photo nailrock2_zps31e4622d.jpg
 photo nailrock3_zpsf00ba2f4.jpg
I have no idea how long this look is going to last (I'll let you know how durable it is) or quite what the other mums at the children's farm will think when I turn up with nails like a toddler today. But looking at these makes me happy: and that's definitely worth the 30 minutes it took to do it, even if they do only last for the day! I'm going back to buy a couple more packs before they sell out: I'm planning on doing these for my holiday, and for my sister's Hen 'Do!

What do you think? Will you be running to your local branch of Poundland to pick up some of these?

Love Tor xx

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