
Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year: December 2013 according to my iPhone

Hi guys,
Happy New Year! I'm hoping 2014 is going to be a good one, and I've already made a couple of New Year's Resolutions: I won't be divulging what they all are though, in case I fail like I do every year! But one of them is to make more effort to post here more frequently: that's one I think I will keep! If 2013 is anything like 2014, it won't be a bad year at all! But what did the end of 2013 bring? Here's my obligatory round up of the month:

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We spent Christmas at my parents, and it was one of the best so far! The kids saw Mrs Claus and Santa came to the house (or, as I call him, Dad!) And Mike and I took Wilbur on a Christmas light safari looking for some of the best decorated houses in Norfolk: we weren't disappointed. December was pretty much the month of Christmas: we did something Christmassy every weekend, and Wilbur and I did loads of fun Christmas crafts and activities.  photo christmas20132_zpsa8166406.png

Wilbur's Birthday
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As I think I've already mentioned, Wilbur turned one at the beginning of the month. To celebrate we threw a Very Hungry Caterpillar party for our families and all of his little friends at a local soft play centre (then I did a lunch at home). It was a massive success and the little man had a great day. And I was really impressed with my first attempt at a two tiered cake too!

Other Fun! 
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December is an especially busy month in our house! Mike also had a birthday, we had a couple of fun nights out, and endless trips to farms, parks, and other fun stuff with Wilbur. Finally, we spent New Year drinking champagne and playing cards with my in-laws. Did you have fun celebrating the new year last night? And are you expecting exciting things from 2014?

Love Tor x

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