
Thursday 28 November 2013

Sponsored Video: The Bra that tweets. Yes, really!

Hi guys,
Do you ever sometimes read a PR story and think it's such an incredible idea you wish you'd thought of it yourself? That's exactly how I felt when I read about the bra that tweets! No: you didn't read that wrong! In order to build awareness about breast cancer awareness and remind us of the importance of checking our breasts every month, a bra has been invented that will send a tweet every time Greek celebrity Maria Bacodimou unclasps it. This video will explain the concept much better than I can:

Breast Cancer awareness is a cause that's close to my heart, and I think anything that raises awareness and reminds women to check themselves regularly can only be a good thing. I know how it feels to be busy and not have time for something that seems so unimportant like checking your boobs: heck, I know how it feels to be covered in baby snot and feel like having the chance just to shower is a treat! But I also know first-hand how breast cancer can devastate young families. And actually, it really is important to make the time for a self-exam: it only takes a few minutes, and it could save your life!

Want to follow the tweeting bra and get regular updates to remind yourself to check your breasts on a monthly basis? Then you'll find the twitter account here.

Love Tor x

*Sponsored post from Nestle Fitness 

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