
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Shoes: Click your heel three times!

Hi guys,
When I saw these Shelly's shoes my immediate thought was of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I'm a complete sucker for anything with a little bit of sparkle, especially with the festive season approaching, so these are definitely on my wish list!
 photo shellys_zpsd64dbcd6.png
I'm a bit of a dedicated jeans addict nowadays (it just fits in with my lifestyle so much more) and these would look incredible with skinny jeans and a simple blouse for over the festive period, when you want to look a tad fancy but without getting too dressed up. On Christmas day I don't get out of my pajamas (it's a family tradition) but I think these gorgeous courts could even glam up my house suit!

If you want a pair of these beauties of your own you can buy them here for just £43.99.

Love Tor x

*Post written as part of a partnership with Spartoo shoes 

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