
Wednesday 6 November 2013

Going Out: Book Your Christmas Trips Now!

Hi guys,
Christmas really is fast approaching, and if you like to get out and about to join in the festivities (or even buy theatre tickets for your Christmas gifts) then now is the time to start thinking about it and start shopping! We've already booked our Christmas trip to the theatre and a visit for Wilbur to go and have breakfast with Santa. The English National Ballet are performing the Nutcracker again (we just can't decide if the little man will be quite old enough) And now I'm thinking about what tickets I want to add to my Christmas list.
 photo nutcracker_zpsd6b5ec3c.png
I love the opera, and the English National Opera in particular. It's such a beautiful building in the heart of London, and you feel this incredible atmosphere when you enter the place, before the performance has even began. The first time I ever went to the opera was to see a modern interpretation of Les Liasons Dangereueses (which also happens to be one of my favourite books) and I sobbed pretty much for the full hour after the interval. I've been hooked ever since! The ENO are putting on a performance of Rigoletto (The run is starting in February) that i've already started hearing good things about, so tickets to that will definitely be making their way on my Christmas list. And their production of Mada Butterfly returns for another run (that starts on Friday) so if you're looking for something to do this weekend I can heartily personally recommend it: I just wish I was still living in London so I could pop out and see it myself!

Do you go on any special trips (to the theatre, the opera, or anywhere else) for Christmas? And are there any show tickets on your Christmas list? I'd love to hear all about it!

Love Tor x

*This is a sponsored post


  1. nice blog. follow yoz :))

    pls follow me :33


  2. I tried to book ice skating at Somerset House and the date/time I wanted was already sold out!
