
Tuesday 1 October 2013

London Fashion Week and New Look

Hi guys,
New Look got in touch and asked me to answer a few questions about my experiences around London Fashion Week, which I could then share with you guys. Here they are, in Q&A format: I hope you find the questions (and the answers!) interesting:  photo lfwd2.jpg
Photo taken from the Ashley Isham show back in Feb 2012

How do you feel about the impact bloggers have had on London Fashion Week as well as fashion on the whole?
This bloggers/LFW debate is still boring on isn't it? I think bloggers have been at fashion week for a while now, and I definitely don’t think that’s a bad thing! Some bloggers have websites that are as big as (or even bigger than) the circulations of some of the larger fashion magazines. And if their readers are interested in fashion week content, they should be able to go out and get it! I think that in just the same way as anyone else attending LFW has to justify their credentials (who they are writing for, circulation numbers etc) bloggers should have to do that too. Because it is an industry event, not just a fun day out (although it is fun too!)

What interests you most about blogging?
I love blogging because I find real women and what they really wear (and their views on all things fashion) so much more interesting and inspiring than what models and celebrities are wearing or doing. I’m interested in blogging because it’s real. And I love writing my own blog because it’s a way of sharing my passion for and interest in fashion, as well as a great creative outlet.

Describe your personal style in 3 words.
Trend-led, accessorized and eclectic

High Street or High Fashion?
High street all the way! I think the British high street is the best in the world, and it means you get to try all the catwalk trends without breaking the bank. I do have some high fashion pieces in my wardrobe, but I always mix and max that with more trend-led high street pieces.

How do you feel about online streaming of some shows?
I think that online streaming is a brilliant idea. For the first time in nine seasons I had to miss LFW this season (I stayed home with Wilbur instead) but I was still able to watch some of my favourite shows from the comfort of my own sofa. It’s not quite the same as actually being there,and you don’t get to soak up the atmosphere or feel the feedback from the room. But you do get to see the collections as the designer wants them to be seen, and it’s a huge improvement on simply seeing still photos afterwards: this way you actually get to see how the clothes move!

What do you love the most about Fashion Week? 
I think the thing I love most about Fashion Week is the whole atmosphere of it: I love style spotting and seeing what people are wearing and the hustle and bustle of it. It’s also a great opportunity to catch up with friends and to network with other bloggers and PRs. 

If you could sit on the FROW next to any celeb, who would it be?
I’m not really a massive celeb spotter but I would love to sit on the FROW next to Hilary Alexander, because I always love reading her show reviews and I think it would be fascinating to see and hear her responses in the flesh. Oh, but if I have to choose a celeb, who wouldn’t want to spend some time sitting next to David Beckham? Phwoar!

Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share around London Fashion Week, particularly the involvement of bloggers and high street brand there? I'd love to hear them!

Love Tor x

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