
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Guest Post: Top Tips for Sensitive Skin

Did you know that sensitive skin is not only caused by your lifestyle and diet but the ingredients found in your skincare products too? If you suffer from sensitive skin, it can be difficult finding the best products to keep your skin healthy and flare-up free.

We’ve put together our top tips to combat skin-irritation and help you select the best beauty essentials for your skin type.
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Testing a product before using it on your skin is extremely important, particularly if your skin is prone to reactions. When using a new product or brand it is advisable to carry out a patch test, this is where you apply a small amount of product onto your skin and monitor the area for 48 hours to see if it causes irritation. Testing is also essential when visiting a beauty salon, whether you’re treating yourself to a facial or changing your hair colour, asking for a patch test will help avoid any unwanted reactions.

Always read the label
If your skin has been affected by certain products and brands in the past, take a look at the ingredients label, you may notice reoccurring ingredients which could be causing the reaction. There are a number of hypoallergenic products on the market which have been specially formulated without harsh ingredients for sensitive skin types.

Mineralcosmetics are a popular choice for those who suffer with sensitive skin, as the natural mineral combination is much gentler on the skin. Many brands specialise in mineral makeup and foundations that work in harmony with your natural skin tone, avoiding harsh chemicals and future irritation.

Cleaning and Cleansing
Thoroughly removing your makeup is important to keep your skin looking great. Always remove your makeup before sleeping but try to avoid rough scrubs and harsh makeup removers to do so. We recommend using mild make-up remover face wipes, which will gently remove your makeup, whilst cleansing and moisturising your skin.

Food and Lifestyle

Diet and lifestyle play a big part in keeping your skin radiant and healthy. Drinking lots of water and incorporating regular exercise into your routine are both proven to have a great effect of your skin. Ensuring your diet is full of fruits, vegetables and essential Vitamins such as C and E will help to keep redness and irritation at bay. 

*This is a guest post. The content has been written for the site with my approval. 

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