
Friday 18 October 2013

Exercise: Fixing my Post-baby body!

Hi guys,
This week I paid the balance of Wilbur's first birthday party venue, and made the scary realisation that time really does fly: In six short weeks, I will be mum to a one year old. That got me thinking about me, and about the battlefield that is my post-baby body. I have saggy stretched boobs from my extended period of breastfeeding (we're still going strong!) and my tummy looks like a wrinkly partially deflated balloon - complete with stretch marks. Yup, I'm a looker! Which means it's time to do something about it and attempt to get back to something vaguely resembling a passable form!
 photo swimming_zpsc3c8a816.jpgSince I was pregnant I have been swimming twice a week: it's the only time I leave Wilbur and it gives me a chance to clear my mind and relax as I swim. It's also had the added benefit of meaning my legs (previously the part of my body I would say were my worst) look better than they ever have: If you want to tone your legs then I would heartily recommend swimming!

If you do decide to swim I can also recommend the swimming supplies from Zoggs: that's what they stock in my local pool, so my goggles and swim cap are both by them. They also have a range of gorgeous swimming costumes for women. And once a week I take Wilbur swimming too: he's going to grow into a water baby! Wilbur is wearing one of the Zoggs bodywarmers in the picture above, and it's brilliant for keeping him warm and toasty when we're in the pool together.They have a great range of children's swimwear and you know what you're getting is good quality.

I love my swimming sessions and wouldn't give them up for the world. And my arms and legs are thankful for them too! But they aren't doing much for my middle section sadly. Which means it's time to try something else: I'll be documenting all my diet/exercise attempts to lose my 'mummy bits' here over the next couple of months and let you know what works and what doesn't - for me at least! I'm determined it's time to do something about it, although whether abstaining from food is a good idea over the Christmas period is yet to be seen.

Do you have any diet and exercise tips to share? Anything that might kick start my new regime - or even something new I can try in the pool that might work out that pesky tummy area? All tips and ideas will be gratefully received!

Love Tor x

*This is a sponsored post


  1. Er wow, where does time go? I can't believe Wilbur will be one! x

  2. I'm in a similar position to you and my son's just turned 1 and trying to get bridalfit (joy!). Pilates is great for toning stomach and I do a class called gymstick which is good for core, apart from that, cardio. Dietwise, having everything as homemade and natural as possible, vats of soup and veg box deliveries are great. Good luck!

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