
Thursday 12 September 2013

Sponsored Video: Just Cavalli Video Game App!

Hi guys,
The number of perfumes on the market just seems to be getting bigger and bigger: it really is a saturated environment, and it's must be hard to think of something to make your perfume and brand stand out. Especially when you consider the number or so-called celebrities who are releasing perfumes every day. Which is why I think it's such a clever idea for Just Cavalli to launch a mildly addictive video game to coincide with the launch of their latest perfume, and they're enlisted models Georgia May Jagger and Marlon Teixeira to advertise it:
The game is called Just a Bite and you can find the game on Facebook and in the App store. I played it on Facebook and did indeed find it slightly addictive. The premise is that you've woken up blurry-headed on the morning after the night before, and you have to collect badges and retrace your steps to work out what happened...and why you have an unusual bite on your hand! I'm not a big gamer, but who knew you could enjoy wasting five minutes of your life trying to find a fictional pair of keys or riding a motorbike you don't actually own through an unidentified city?! I won't ruin it by telling you the conclusion of the game - you'll have to try it yourself.

Do you enjoy playing computer games? If so, this one is definitely worth a look! Oh yes...And the perfume it's promoting is worth a sniff next time you're out shopping too!

Love Tor x

*This post has been sponsored by Just Cavalli, but all thoughts are my own

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