
Monday 15 July 2013

Looking Back: Two Years Ago Today....

Hi guys,
Today is my wedding anniversary. Two years ago today was a Friday, it was hot and sunny, and it was my wedding day. To celebrate Mike and I are going to The Crazy Bear in Stadhampton, where we will be having an Alice in Wonderland afternoon tea, dinner in their award winning restaurant, then a champagne breakfast tomorrow morning. It's the first time since he was born that I've left Wilbur for more than an hour or two, and I'm both excited and nervous.
 photo wedding1_zpsd288d869.png To celebrate this, and because I'm feeling nostalgic (and because it's my blog so I can if I want to!) I'm prescheduling this post and sharing some of my wedding pictures. Again. Because you aren't sick of seeing these already. I know it's self-indulgent, but I have these scattered all over our house, and I never get tired of looking at them. Two years have gone so quickly, and so much has changed already. Let's see what happens after many more wedding anniversaries to come!  photo wedding2_zpscc78c736.png  photo wedding3_zpsd88ac2f6.png Wedding season is in full swing again this year - I love weddings, and we have another two to go to before the year it out. They're such a wonderful way of sharing love and happiness with your family and friends - especially when you're the bride!

I hope you have something lovely planned for this week, and that you're feeling as happy and lucky today as I am!

Love Tor x

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