
Tuesday 30 July 2013

July 2013, According to my iPhone...

Hi guys,
I can't believe how fast this year is going: we're already halfway through the summer, and it feels like it's only just started. And with all the events we've got planned for August, I just know that the second half is going to fly by too! Here's what July looked like:

 photo julydoing_zps88e6f646.png This has been a busy month on the 'doing' front; Mike and I went to Crazy Bear for our anniversary (check out the gorgeous afternoon tea and the London bus reception!) I had an amazing spa day with my sister and my first post-baby night out (mmmm, cocktails!) and, with the addition of the new border, I've finally finished decorating Wilbur's bedroom: the first room in the house that's finally completely completed!

 photo julywilbur_zpsa184e5e0.png Wilbur has suddenly had a very fast development spurt. He crawls, he stands up and pulls himself up on the furniture, he has two teeth and he steals rice cakes whenever I leave them unattended! This morning I found his attempting to paint my wooden living room floor with a nail varnish - he's going to be such a handful!

 photo julyme_zpscdf731dd.png So what about me? Well I've been wearing my new Miista sandals from Sarenza on an almost daily basis, shopping for hats for the two weddings we've got coming up, and I've refound my obsession with painting my nails! I'm now back to freelancing fulltime, which I'm loving, even though it's good fun juggling the work with looking after Wilbur! And other than that I've just been enjoying the new found sunshine with my family and friends.

What have you been up to this month? Has anyone got any really exciting plans coming up for August? I'd love to hear all about them!

Love Tor x

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