
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Home: Our house. In the middle of our street.

Hi guys,
Lots of people have asked if we're in our new house yet (I know I've done nothing but talk about it for a month). And the answer is yes! We moved in last week, and we've already unpacked most of the boxes, and started decorating and making our mark on the place.

Here's a quick shot of the palace I'll now be calling home, and our very first meal in the new living room. Enjoyed from Tupperware tubs and eaten whilst sat on the baby's play mat, but it still counts!
 photo newhouse1_zpsfaed15df.jpg  photo newhouse5_zpsf80069f9.jpg
The last week has been a whirl of boxes, phone calls to utility companies, and furniture deliveries: hence my radio silence for much of last week. Our internet wasn't reconnected until last Thursday. But now normal blogging service has resumed, and I'm back with a vengeance!

I've posted lots more 'before' pictures of the house over on the Fabfrocks at Home blog. And I'll be updating it regularly with our DIY/Home decorating and shopping progress. So if you want to follow our journey, that's where to go!

Love Tor x

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