
Sunday 28 April 2013

April 2013, According to my iPhone

Hi guys,
I can't believe April is nearly over already: and I've done almost nothing I had planned to do this month! We move house in three days and I still haven't fully packed a single room. Which means now is probably the right time to start panicking! Of course, rather than panic, I've decided to write a blog post instead. So here's what I've been up to this month, according to the photos I've taken on my iPhone:
 photo aprileating_zpsaa9bd246.png - I popped into London for the day and had an amazing afternoon tea at Sketch with Jenny and Reena: cake will never taste the same again!
- I have become slightly addicted to the steak baguette from M&S food on the go. I limit myself to only having it once a month though: it's calorific!
- Operation salad continues in the effort to lose my baby weight. Although, to be honest, it feels like the harder I try the more weight I put on (Maybe that's the afternoon teas and the steak baguettes!)

 photo aprildoing_zps638e71fb.png-This month's 'doing' list is all about the new house: I've discovered Crown's Vintage paint range and I love it!
-We've also been enjoying the beach and the park: thank you warm weather, for finally arriving!

 photo aprilme_zpsfbe64236.png-I tried the Barry M Gelly nail varnish: It's so shiny and has real staying power. Highly recommended! I've rediscovered my obsession with painting my nails this month!
- I had my eyebrows tinted a shade darker than usual: I really can't decide if I like it or not!
- My new Missoni sunglasses from TKMaxx arrived! I love them, and was delighted they arrived just in time for all the warm weather we've been having.
- Shopping-wise, I've tried on a million (at least) dresses for Wilbur's christening next month: this one from French Connection is what I eventually chose.

 photo aprilwilbur_zpsd6603493.png-Wilbur and I have settled into a nice routine of groups and activities; covering himself in paint at creative play on a Tuesday is his favourite. And so much fun to clean off his clothes!
-In other Wilbur news this month, at the advice of our Health Visitor we have started feeding him. He's only been eating his purees for three days, and he's already worked out he gets it quicker if he holds the spoon himself: definitely my child!
-This month he also rolled over: proud mum alert!

What have you been up to this month? The big news for May is that we're moving into our own house: so exciting! Prepare for lots of interior shots in next month's round-up!

Love Tor x


  1. Has the christening gone? Looking forward to seeing the dress. And Wilbur is a total cutie!
