
Thursday 28 February 2013

Shoes: Feeling a little Irregular!

Hi guys,
I really love Irregular Choice shoes: they're quirky and unusual. They demand attention the second you put them on. And in my opinion, they're perfect occasion shoes: if you want to show off your fashion credentials at a wedding without detracting from the bride, for example, what better way to do it than with your feet?!  photo irregularchoice1_zps91ddad14.jpg  photo irregularchoice2_zpse2b5b4dd.jpgI loved these floral shoes with the Perspex heels so much, that I brought them for a wedding and now have to plan what outfit to wear around them: I'm thinking a very simple silk blend dress. And the leopard print ones were a birthday present many years ago, but they're still in great condition because I preserve them so lovingly in their box. These are the kind of shoes that demand that kind of care: and it helps that the boxes are so pretty too!

Sarenza have a great selection of Irregular Choice shoes on their site, and the new Spring/Summer options have just landed. I'm already obsessed!  photo irregularchoice3_zps492a8ec4.png Shoe names and prices from left to right: Fresh cut grass, £84.50. Baby beauty, £84.50. Tea and cakes, £64.99. Ozzy, £84.50. Summer bucket, £82.50. Aphrodite, £79.99.

The shoes that are next on my hit list are the 'fresh cut grass' ones: cream low heels with plastic blue birds and cream flowers all over them. OK so they aren't exactly understated, but when has that ever stopped me?! I also really like the final pair, 'Aphrodite'. They have a really nautical feel, and would look great teamed casually with jeans and a blouse.

Are you an Irregular Choice fan? And what do you think of the selection above?

Love Tor x

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  1. I'm sure you're aware what an Irregular Choice geek I am. Those floral ones you have are so pretty, and I am currently waiting for a pair called Flopsy which have a rabbit as the heel, which are the next on my list. I keep meaning to count up my collection :)

  2. I am a big IC fan, I only own three pairs but my wishlist is ever growing! x
