
Monday 11 February 2013

January according to my iPhone!

Hi guys,
I know it's now the middle of February, but I have only just gotten round to writing my round up of January - a sign that February so far has been a very busy month! January was a fairly quiet month, mostly characterised by sales shopping and getting the hang of this parenting lark. Here's the month in pictures, according to my iphone:
 photo iphoneshopping_zpsa7abc7a0.pngMike and I have had an offer accepted on a house (Hurrah) and if all goes well, will be homeowners by Spring. So it's no surprise that a lot of my shopping has been for the home this month! I've also been inspired by pastels mixed with brighter colours, and had a great day out shopping at Westfield London. I can't wait to get down again and unleash myself with a major shopping spree!
 photo iphoneeating_zpsc9bf0289.png Having a baby does funny things to your body: even though I'm below my pre-pregnancy weight, I still have a fat poochy little tummy: much bigger than before. And I hate it! So this month, I have mostly been eating an awful lot of salad. Luckily, I love salad and there's so many different things you can do with them they never get boring! Although I did ruin it all by having a trip to TGI Fridays - nom nom!!  photo iphonewilbur_zpsb4392de3.png Wilbur has changed so much since I last shared pictures of him. It's amazing how quickly he's changing and growing up. He now laughs and smiles, plays with his toys (and loves hitting the animals on his jungle playmat). He's had his first trip to London (which as you can see, he wasn't too sure about), loves his weekly music class, and cried his way through his first set of vaccinations. My baby is no longer a newborn, and on his way to becoming a proper little boy!

Love Tor x

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