
Saturday 19 January 2013

Daily Wear: Feeling Foxy!

Hi guys,
Well it's snowed. Which is nice/terrible, depending on whether you have to trek to work or not. But it's also leading to some interesting sartorial decisions from the general public: it snows and I'm always amazed by the things people think it's OK to wear!

Meanwhile, I have obviously been watching too much Jeremy Kyle, because writing that title immediately made me think of the foxy bingo ad at the start of the show. (Sign of a woman watching daytime TV on maternity leave, methinks?) I am, in fact, not referring to bingo but to my gorgeous new Topshop fox scarf: a Christmas present from hubby. Simply put, it's a scarf that looks like it has a cartoon fox-fur stole on it. And it's just perfect for wearing in this terrible weather:
 photo foxy1_zpsed6ec4e1.jpg  photo foxy3_zps4b4a36e8.jpg  photo foxy4_zpsca4bb649.jpg Fox scarf, mittens, and studded boots - all Topshop. Cocoon coat - H&M. Jeans - Miss Selfridges. Snakeskin blouse - French Connection.

I've teamed it with my new studded boots (which will be getting their own post shortly), cozy knitted mittens, and my rust coloured cocoon coat, which coincidentally matches my foxy scarf perfectly.

I love winter accessories: they're so much fun! When else can you wear faux fur on your head, mittens on strings like you did when you were a kid, or a hat scarf and glove set that all look like pandas?! It's like winter arrives and all bets are off: child-like colours and patterns become the norm. I think the snow brings out the kid in all of us, and I love it!

How are you keeping warm in this terrible weather? What are you wearing, and are you wrapping up in any unusual winter accessories?

Love Tor x


  1. I've been hating the snow, it's so hard to get anywhere! I do love your scarf though, so cute! xx

  2. The boyf and I tried to get to the hospital on Tuesday for an appointment about his broken leg. We did one mile in 45 minutes in a taxi and had to give up. I did play in the snow a bit today, it was fun but I'm still not a huge fan of the stuff.

  3. Wow you are really glowing girl! Motherhood suits you, looking well xx
