
Wednesday 26 December 2012

The January Sales are here! Simple tips for success....

Hi guys,
They're here! Christmas is over, and the part of the celebrations every girl who cares about fashion really gets excited about is upon us: the January sales. I don't really know why they call them the January sales, as technically they start at the end of December, but nonetheless, they're here!
I wrote a quick post of tips for January Sales shopping last year, and was simply going to link to that again for this January. But actually I realised I'd missed out on some great tips, and if you want to have sales success you have to be prepared. So I've written the list again! Here are my new and improved top tips to get what you want from the January sales:

1. Plan ahead! In the week before Christmas (leading up to the sales) when i'm shopping for my Christmas presents I'm also looking at the things I'd like to get for myself: If I see something I really like I even try it on, because believe me, trying things on just isn't feasible on the first days of the sale. That way I can run in, find it, and buy it as soon as the sale starts.

2. Set a budget. And then stick to it! I know it's easier said than done, but when you hit the sales it's easy to forget how much you're spending, and spend much more than you wanted to. When I'm going sales shopping I take out the amount I'm prepared to spend in cash before I hit the shops: that way, I know exactly what I'm spending as I go (it's so easy to lose track with cards) and when it's gone, it's gone!

3. Last year The Telegraph reported than one in ten people do their Christmas shopping in the January sales. Whilst I'm not condoning such bah humbug behaviour, I do do some of my present shopping for birthdays throughout the first half of the year (My nieces birthday is in January, and my sisters birthday is at the beginning of Febuary for example) in the January sales. It just makes good sense: you get more for your money, meaning people get better gifts!  Plan ahead for this like you would when shopping for Christmas: write a list of the people you're looking for presents for, a few ideas and all their vital statistics (sizes etc) to take with you to the shops.

4. Make a list of things you need, and more importantly, a list of things you DON'T need. I am a self confessed coat and jacket addict. I don't need any more: it would be a waste of money. But I really need new jeans. Having a piece of paper to shop with that spells out that I need jeans, knitwear, make up etc and I don't need jackets, coats or anything with sequins on it makes it much easier to stay motivated to only buy what I need.

5. Finally, don't give up! This is a tip I shared last year that's still just as relevant now. If you've got your heart set on something but it's sold out don't give up: just think outside the box. If you really wanted French Connection shoes but can't get them from French Connection, for example, try Sarenza or Zalando or any other website that sells big brand names. And for high street clothes, ASOS is a veritable gold mine of sale items that have sold out elsewhere: it's where I got that River Island dress I wanted last January that was sold out on their website!

Are you prepared for the January Sales? Do you have anything on your wish list that you're hoping to pick up? Or have you been too busy thinking about Christmas to prep for the bargain hunting afterwards?

Love Tor xx

1 comment:

  1. Great post,I've been this morning mainly to lush where I spent more that I was expecting but am happy with my purchases :)
