
Friday 31 August 2012

August 2012 in pictures....

Hi guys,
Normally I do my monthly round ups with iphone pictures, but since I got my new Nikon DSLR at the end of last month, I've barely taken a single iphone picture: I'm just too obsessed with using this camera! So instead, here's what I've been up to this month in big shots:

Shopping. Stocking up on knitwear from Primark (Love this 'Love' jumper!) and breaking my 'no costume jewellery' rule in Topshop.....
Remembering that I live in a really beautiful city (Don't you find having people visit you makes you view where you live in a whole new light?)....
Growing an unnaturally large baby.....
Visiting the beach with my nephew, who rode his first ride, and couldn't get enough of them!....
Having delicious BBQ in spite of the rain ....
PhotobucketCombined with eating my weight in ice cream....And burgers....(So a lot of eating then!)....

This month has mostly been spent visiting with both of our families, preparing for the baby (we had that 'Oh my god, he's coming soon' moment) and visiting the beach more often than we expected: whenever people come to visit us, the first place they want to go is the beach, which is luckily only a 20 minute drive away. I've also had a couple of fun, if exhausting trips to London. It's been a fairly quiet month, but a good one! What have you been up to? Has it been a good August?

Love Tor xx

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