
Tuesday 31 July 2012

July 2012, according to my iPhone

Hi guys,
As you guys read this I will be busy sight seeing and sunning myself in Venice. But as it's the end of the month, I thought I would show you what else I've been up to this month, apart from planning for my trip, of course!
-When we moved into our new house, the grass in the garden was so long it came over my knee, so we've made it our mission to tackle it as soon as the weather perked up. Whilst Mike's been tackling the lawn (the big job!) I've been dealing with the much more fun job of potting some plants and injecting some colour. These are some hydrangeas and phlox that I planted, and a gorgeous herb garden my parents created for us.

- We had our 20 week scan. All is well with mini baby Hampton and it's a.....BOY! Very exciting news, and not too long to go now!

- Great weather means only one thing - ice lollies! I got this cute bunny-shaped ice lolly making tray from Debenhams for £6 and set about creating home made ice lollies. So far we've made them with orange juice, lemonade, and white grape and elderflower juice. Making boozy ones would be great for BBQs too!

- We went to see The Darkness in Thetford Forest: a blast from the past! I was (and still am) a huge fan of them when I was at university, and went to see them last year too. They were great, and played loads of tracks from their upcoming new album. They're going to be Lady Gaga's support act later in the year, so I'm predicting a Darkness revival!
-My perfect summer boots! I ordered these Georgia Rose boots, with their flash of neon, from Sarenza, because the weather was too rubbish for sandals and flip flops. Then (and not that I' complaining!) the weather has perked right up so I've only had the chance to wear them once. But when Autumn approaches these boots are going to be perfect!

- I've been hunting for the perfect headband for a casual wedding we're going to next month. Slightly obsessed with this flower and spike one from Topshop, which is in the sale for just £4.50!

- Sometimes the most ridiculous things can really make you laugh. I bought this pepper mill solely because that was my reaction to its name: Sergeant Pepper!

- Finally, this is a picture of my newest obsession: swimming in the local pool. I've started going three times a week, and I just can't get enough of it. I think if I could turn into a hippo and live wallowing in the water then, right now, I would!

How have you spent your July? And do you have any exciting plans for August? 

Love Tor xx

1 comment:

  1. YEY, A BOY! I'm excited about that. I imagined you with a boy first but I don't know why.

    This is such a lovely little post, full of little bits of happiness. I love the boots and the flower pots! :)
