
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Life lately, according to my iPhone

Hi guys,
Warning and beware, blogger cliche coming up! Yet another 'life according to my iphone' post. On the bright side, I can promise that there's nothing hipster included:
Mmmm, mini sponge cakes filled with nutella instead of jam (because chocolate is always better than fruit!) I am very proud to say I made these myself, and they tasted just as good as they look

This weekend my sister and niece came to visit. We went to Great Yarmouth for the day, and Lily had her first ever donkey ride. She absolutely loved it: are there donky riding championships for babies I don't know about?! Because I'm pretty sure she'd win...

This picture pretty much sums up all of my life lately: painting the new house! We are currently painting in this Crown Heritage matt emulsion: the shade is called Duke's Blue. I keep finding flecks of this paint all over me. This morning I noticed I have it splattered all over my toes. Oh the glamour! 

I went to a press event for Puffin Books, and was gifted this gorgeous edition of Peter Pan, with Cath Kidston artwork on the jacket. Isn't it a gorgeous print?

A glass wall, shaped like a heart, made out of nail varnish bottles! All things to love: this wall is in the John Lewis beauty hall, and is made up of Nails Inc nail varnishes. In the right light you can see the graduating colours: very cool indeed, and obviously someone's labour of love.

Alan Sugar's car! My inner geek/celeb spotter was delighted to see this car being parked in Mayfair.  Unfortunately I didn't see the man himself - probably for the best. He isn't famed for his sense of humour, but who could see him and resist telling him he's fired?!

Isn't it funny how leaving somewhere makes you realise all the more how beautiful it is? London has never looked as beautiful as it does to me in the past 2 weeks, and when I wandered past the Natural History Museum I just couldn't resist snapping it! 

Finally, I've been exploring with a new shade of lipstick! Not exactly breaking news, but finding the right shade is still important. Rather than my usual vivid red this is a more muted shade: Revlon Colour Burst lip butter in Candy Apple.

What have you been up to lately? And how are you spending your summer? I'd love to hear all about it!

Love Tor xx

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