
Monday 14 May 2012

The Weight Watchers Weight Loss Wardrobe challenge

Hi guys,

Everyone knows that when you gain weight it can have a knock on effect on your wardrobe. Clothes you used to love might not be so flattering. Suddenly your favourite frock is gathering dust at the back of your wardrobe. But what a lot of people often don't think about is the effect losing weight can have on your wardrobe. And having seen both sides of this scale, I know that it can be just as hard.

I also know how horrible shop changing rooms can be when you're not feeling comfortable in your own skin. Which is why I wasn't surprised to read in a survey commissioned by Weight Watchers, that over 33% of women questioned said their biggest anxiety when clothes shopping was the attitude of assistants who could be “pushy, unhelpful” and made comments about a customer’s size.

This is why Weight Watchers have teamed up with Debenhams to launch The Ultimate Weight Loss Wardrobe, designed to empower slimmers all over the UK to embrace the clothes shopping experience, whatever their shape, size or how confident they feel. Here are some of the pieces from the collection, that I will be rocking this week: Photobucket
Stylist Louise Roe hand picked the pieces, with the specific aim of choosing a wardrobe that would be flattering to women at every stage of their weightloss journey. The focus is on transitional pieces that can be adjusted as your weight goes down, and focus on your body shape. For women losing weight, this is easier said than done: it's hard getting used to the idea that you have a new figure to show off!

This week, I will be trying out the wardrobe (mixed in with pieces from my existing wardrobe, of course!) and showcasing my looks both here, and over on the Play Weight Watchers site. I hope you like the looks I come up with, and I will of course love reading your comments about the pieces, and whether you think they'd be flattering on your figure (and whether they're flattering on mine!) Gulp! Wish me luck!!

 Love Tor xx

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good idea!My weight has been up and down for year and even now I'm beginning to lose weight again its still really hard got adjust to having a new body shape. Your completely right about some shop assistants, they can really put you off shopping at all!
    Hope you get on well with the new clothes!
