
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Label lust: Zakary le Stele

Hi guys,
My love of oversized chunky jewellery (as big and gold as possible, in fact!) continues unabated. I have stuck to my New Year's Resolution not to buy any more cheap jewellery: I haven't been inside the Topshop or H&M jewellery departments once! But that doesn't mean I'm not still as obsessed as ever with oversized bling: it's just my jewellery habit is becoming increasingly more expensive!
When I was sent over this lookbook from accessories designer Zakary le Stele I immediately fell in love. That could, of course, be because it features gorgeous French model Priscilla Miegemolle Dime and was shot on the streets of Paris (my favourite city in the world). But it's more likely to be because I immediately wanted to add the oversized cuffs to my jewellery box, then buy as many of the shoes, followed by the gorgeous digital print frocks as possible!
This is the designer's first complete womenswear collection, and it will be available this autumn/winter. Entitled 'L'ardeur' the print-heavy collection features pieces infused with sexual intensity and drama (according to the blurb!). Since I saw the first Matthew Williamson collection featuring them, I fell in love with digital prints so I have a soft spot for them, whatever the designer. And the soft structure of this collection really did capture my imagination!

I should really have prefaced this post with the disclaimer that you shouldn't fall in love with this collection too quickly, like I did. Unless you all have a secret you're not telling me, sadly the collection is far too expensive for we ordinary girls to afford. As in, high end couture prices. It's probably too late. But it's nice to dream!!

Love Tor x

PS - Don't forget to enter the amazing COMPETITION where you could win a whole outfit from

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