
Friday 30 March 2012

Sneak peek: Diesel A/W12 Press day

Hi guys,
Yesterday I popped down to the Diesel A/W press day. Diesel isn't really a brand I wear: their jeans were 'all the rage' ten years ago, and my husband still has a pair knocking around at the back of the wardrobe, but nowadays nobody I know really wears Diesel (A contender for the overlooked store tour perhaps?) So I entered the press day with an open mind, hoping to be surprised. Here's what I found:
Simple, utilitarian clothes with plenty of black, grey, and neutral fabrics. The quality and workmanship is obviously of a high standard. But not necessarily to my taste.

There were two leather jackets I loved. But the rest of the outfits seemed a little bland and unsubstantial. I'm not a fan of shearling, the washes on the denim made me think of chubby builders, and there seemed to be an abundance of unironed (slightly grubby looking!) white shirts. Maybe it's a sign of my age, or maybe I'm just not 'cool' any more, but I prefer a look that's a bit more 'done' than this.

What do you think about Diesel? Is it a brand you wear or a shop you go into? If you love it, why? I'd really like to be convinced!

Love Tor xx


  1. i love those wedges!


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