
Monday 23 January 2012

January according to my iPhone

Hi guys,
Taking pictures of everything seems to be a cultural endemic: especially if you're a blogger. There's a reason the iPhone comes equipped with such a good camera! No shopping trip, lunch or cupcake is left unsnapped, and I'm just as guilty. If I think something looks good, interesting, or just worth sharing with my husband I whip out my phone and pap it! So I thought it would be fun to pick out some of my iPhone pictures from the month and share them with you.
This month I:
-Made chocolate brownies and ate ice cream in Harrods (diet be damned!)
-Cut my own fringe. And I'm getting pretty good at it!
-Lusted after all of the chintzy homewares at the M&S press day
-Picked up plenty of bargains in the sales
-Fell in love with baby Bertie (my nephew) all over again
-Tried on 6 different white shirts at TM Lewin.

What have you been up to this month? Anything exciting?

Love Tor xx

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