
Friday 6 August 2010

Competition: Win a £60 voucher to spend at Sarenza!

I'm a little in love with my new Sarenza shoes (even though I didn't win the competition to go to Paris!) But just because i'm not a winner doesn't mean that you guys can't be! Today's competition is for the chance to win a gorgeous pair of Sarenza shoes.
These are the gorgeous shoes I picked (and very lovely they are too!) but you don't have to have these ones: The winner will receive a £60 voucher to buy the shoes of their choice from the Sarenza website. Sarenza have more variety of shoes than any other site I know, so you'll be spoilt for choice: I would opt for lovely leather boots (I'm sensible like that, and autumn/winter is approaching) but they also still have a huge range of sandals and pumps perfect if you're going away on a late summer holiday. I've fallen slightly in love with an orthopedic-looking pair of clog sandals that would be perfect for our honeymoon (Which we just booked: Could I be more excited? The answer is no!)

This is a nice easy competition to enter: all you have to do is follow the blog (as usual!) and leave me a comment letting me know why you deserve a pair of Sarenza shoes. The competition will close next Thursday when Sarenza will shortlist the five finalists. I'll then pick the winner and announce it on Monday 16th August. As usual, I wish you all bucket loads of luck!

Love, Tor xx


  1. I have just started my first proper job in a fashion house as a design assistant and I don't get paid for a month and therefore cannot afford to buy any new shoes. I am the fashion tramp! I would put this voucher to bloody good use! :)

  2. I'm 3 weeks away from finishing my Ma dissertation and am almighty stressed, plus tuition fees have made me rather poor - so new shoes would be a rather lovely treat right now to keep me going to the end of my course.

  3. I don't often get the chance to buy myself new shoes, lack of pennies. But since the hard work to lose weight is paying off, a treat in the form of shoes wouldn't go a miss :).

  4. I get my GCSE results in two weeks, and a pair of shoes would calm the nerves down quite a lot and would be a lovely little treat- a well done.

  5. I deserve the shoes because i could really do with a pick me up! So stressed about the dreaded r -(results!) xx

  6. I would love a pair of new shoes as I'm starting Uni soon and won't be able to afford any for, ooh, the next three years! x

  7. I'm a complete shoeaholic and my lust is never sated, hahaha! Also I am having a diabolically bad day /week and you have no idea how much this would cheer me up.

  8. I've just moved in with the boyfriend who has banned me from buying more shoes. He made me get rid of half my collection before moving in, so I kinda need some new ones. And if I won them, he couldn't say I was wasting money!

  9. Well, the reason why I think I would deserve a pair of shoes is because for a girl I am somewhat lacking in the clothing and shoes department at the moment as I am jobless so I cannot go spending any money (as frankly, I don't have any!) so I'm having to live in a skanky pair of converse trainers. I'd really like a new pair of shoes to make me feel pretty and look less grubby! X

  10. Great new shoes and love MissMalibu's comment!

  11. Wow, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win. I have had to spend every penny I have on trying to get my hair from red back to blond and now I have nothing left for clothes or shoes!

    Lots of love
    Christina x

  12. I don't have any expensive shoes at all! Plus my boyfriend recently moved back to England and now I have to spend all my money on travelling! I hate travelling, but travelling with pretty shoes would be better no?

  13. I would love to win as Sarenza send me emails daily, tempting me with their gorgeous shoes that I just can't afford at the moment! But boy, do I love their shoes!!

  14. It’s hard to say why I deserve a pair of your fabulous shoes. I’m nobody special. I haven’t done anything particularly inspiring in my 19 years on this earth but I will say this… what a pair of your shoes would do for me is make me feel, well, different! Make me feel beautiful as I walk down the street on a rainy day… and as an average looking, slightly frumpy, self-consicious young woman this would mean the world to me.

    So please give this normal, penniless student the chance to sparkle on the dancefloor with a pair of your perfect shoes!
    Love and hugs!
    Helen xoxo

  15. There once was a time (i.e. last year!) when I was so broke that I had to return a pair of shoes so that I could buy groceries at Sainsburys! They looked a lot like these gorgeous ones:

    Now I am in a better place, found a great job and am slowly saving for bigger and better things. I took a photo of the shoes I returned, because I loved them THAT much! To be able to use the voucher towards buying these shoes would be like redemption for hard work.

    And you know what the sad thing is? The shoes I returned were from Primark! Yes, I was so broke I needed to recover that whopping £15!

    Katherine (@KatherineChu)

  16. I think I deserve the shoes because they would make my feet look super hot! I'm going through something of a body transformation - I've lost a ton of weight (which was much needed)and am nearly at my ultimate weight goal. But with all this attention on my body my feet have felt some what left out.

    This could be the perfect way to make them feel loved again.

    S x
