
Thursday 17 June 2010

What do you wear on a first holiday with a new boyfriend?

In the last installment of our "what do you wear" series I asked you guys to come up with other stressful situations that you have no idea what you should wear for! This post is taken from one of those and was thought up by the lovely Rai: "What do you wear on your first holiday with a new boyfriend?"

I loved this question because this time last year Mike and I went on our first holiday to Turkey together (the couple of nights in a tent in Yarmouth the year before don't count, as i'm trying to wipe the horror from my mind!) and it both made me smile, and make me remember the stress I had putting my suitcase together. So here are some suggestions. This post is working on the assumption that you're going on a typical beach holiday with a couple of "cultural" day trips. I'm going to do a city break one later in the month (based on lessons learnt from our trip last month to Paris)
I've tried to put together a capsule wardrobe, and I genuinely think this is all you need for a seven day break! Lots of pieces that work together and are easy to throw on are key, especially if you guys don't live together: he doesn't need to know it takes you an hour to get ready every morning. This way you can keep it bright, breezy, and speedy, because you don't have a hundred choices. Even now, when waiting hours for me to get ready for dinner, Mike laments that it didn't take me anywhere near as long when we were away. Lull him into thinking you're a low maintanance gal: then unleash the real you on him later!

I've made denim culottes the centrepiece of the wardrobe because they're so versitile: feminine and flattering they'll look good over a bikini, with sandals and a t shirt for a day of sightseeing, or dressed up for the evening. I've also used a neutral tan base colour because that way even if things don't quite match by the time you get to the end of the week it still looks put together. The satchel bag is perfect for sightseeing or evening. And everything else can be worn for any ocassion ensuring you always look hot!

I also went for bikinis that would mix and match well together - nothing worse than having to throw on bottoms that have a soggy gusset!

Love, Tor xx

Everything in the picture is from Topshop


  1. So true about the soggy gussets! Great holiday picks

  2. While its not with a boyfriend, I am going to the beach on Monday with a bunch of friends, and I will definitely keep this in mind!

  3. Please come and pack mine! Now you've made me want some new stuff xx

  4. The top shop sandals here are lovely but I have a tale to tel about them...after lusting after them I finally bought them and proudly put them on while walking round a smart art gallery...all of a sudden, I wasn't walking normally! One of my shoes ( which are made from one piece of wood) had completely snapped in half! So gutted. Top shop kindly gave me my money back as I limped up to the counter!

  5. Wonderful post idea! Loving the recommendations :) It's such a shame you couldn't make the debate! I was looking out for you!

    Claire @ Jazzpad

  6. Oh goodness me, what is it with boys and camping?! Definitely a horror I too am doing my best to forget! This wardrobe and holiday sound much more my kind of thing!

  7. I'm currently applying for universities so you could do a "what to wear to an interview?" based theme :)
