
Tuesday 16 March 2010

Self indulgence: Aussie Angels photoshoot

At the end of last month I wrote about the Aussie Angels photoshoot I went on, and told you I would share the pictures when they arrived. Well, they're here so I suppose it's time to share! It seems very vain to post loads of pictures of myself (hence the "self indulgence" in the title) but bear with me:
The theme of the shoot was new season nudes and florals. I wore two outfits: my peach lace blazer over a scalloped top from Primark and a black body con dress from Topshop. Then a dress from Topshop with my Topshop Trophy jacket on top. The shoes are from Office (they are the only light coloured heels I own, which makes me think I might need a new pair of heels for this summer) and the leggings are George at Asda. The oversized cameo jewellery was a Christmas present.

I much prefer the second set of pictures (with the trophy jacket) Being cutesy suits me much more than trying to be sexy, and I think I felt much more relaxed that time. Plus the deer is adorable!
At the time I felt like I was wearing far too much make up (a lot more than I would normally wear!) but I know you need more for the camera and I trusted the lovely make up artists and I was right to: the make up has photographed really well and makes my skin look flawless. Normally I have dark bags under my eyes that are so big you could carry shopping in them! It's also weird to see my eyes without their obligatory ring of black liner around them, but these photos could persuade me to try something new. I especially enjoy the vibrant green under the eye line.

My hair is very sixties (my favourite decade of them all) and was beehived at the back and curled around my face. I was amazed that they got the beehive to hold all day without causing any damage to my hair: like I said in my last post, I didn't even realise Aussie did hair products other than shampoos and conditioners, and i'd never tried them but they really seemed to work their magic, and they smell incredible (obviously!)
And here I am with some of the other lovely Angels: they're all such great girls, and we had a really fab day!

Its so nice to have a professional picture of yourself: it's like looking at a better more well groomed version of you, and it makes you feel a bit better about yourself if you're having a bad day. It's also a great momento of the Aussie Angels experience - and something to show the grandkids when they think their Nanna is old and uncool!

Love, Tor xx


  1. Wonderful photos and love your trophy jacket and the deer too. You look very fabulous Ms Fabfrocks xx

  2. Love the first outfit! And I want to do my make up like yours in that photoshoot :) I never stray away from my usual eye make up either

  3. You look so cute Tor, and I like your little friend x

  4. You look beautiful in the face close up pic, its gorgeous!

  5. The deer is an inspired accessory!

  6. I love the bambi deer, matches your doe eyes - looks like it was a lot of fun

  7. WOW Tor, you look incredible! I love your outfits too, especially the one of you holding the Bambi. I so wish I could have made this, you guys all look amazing!

    I know what you mean about looking really overdone...I guess the make up artists really knew what they were doing, especially the make up looking different under the bright lights. You look flawless!

  8. You look amazing, I love the third pic with the umbrella! I'd love to have something like this done.

  9. im so glad i found your blog... you are so beautiful and i really enjoy your style...

  10. Super cute hair! You have the hair I was meant to have!

  11. Ah, I lovelovelove the outfit with the topshop jacket - it somehow makes your hair seem even more platinum than it already is!

  12. your hair looks aaaaaaaaaaawesome.
