
Thursday 29 October 2009

ASOS Black Christmas range launches on Monday!

After yesterday's rant about the new Kate Moss Christmas collection, here is a preview peek at a Christmas collection which is set to be anything but boring. The ASOS Black Christmas range is set to be beautiful, glamourous, and unusual. Here's the promised peek:


It launches on Monday, so sadly you can't leave me here sharing my thoughts to pop over and buy it now. But if you are planning to log on to click-and-buy on Monday, please form an orderly line behind me. I want that cage skirt! And to those of you wondering how practical it is, think on this: you're standing in a bar trying to get a drink. Drunken christmas party goers are crowding around you getting lairy. As you're friends jostle and groan whilst elbows hit their ribs and drunks step on their shoes, who is having the last laugh? Why, it's you with your instant personal space creator (ie the cage skirt) of course! I am aware that it could also be a hinderance to sneaky snogs under the mistletoe, but I say you're too pretty for kissing non princes anyway!
I also adore the feather cape which I am already slotting into my wardrobe as I type. I envisage wearing it over layers of black, and throwing it over my coat to add volume (and a little extra warmth) for the above mentioned glam nights out. Don't let it be said that you don't get practical tips from me!!
Monday can't come fast enough for me - and I just got paid too!

Love, Tor xx


  1. i love the asos black range and the girls that organise/design it are really lovely! they've made the price points really good too - topshop better watch out! love your blog btw! Cx

  2. Lovely! Though as much as I love sequins and feathers, seeing them as part of yet another "holiday" collection is sort of tiring. Ah well. Far better than no sequins or feathers at all!

  3. I'm definitely with you on the feather cape front!

  4. I LOVE that feather cape, its a bit odd but not too much that I wouldn't actually wear it!
