
Monday 7 September 2009

What's in the window: the Brent Cross edition

Brent Cross is the nearest shopping centre to my house, so it is often the place I pop if I want a tiny taster shopping trip but to be honest, I was very disapointed with their store windows. Each seemed very formulaic and there was no real creativity or flair like the windows I saw last week on Oxford Street.
Nonetheless, here is the best of the selection:
River Island menswear
Office. Mmmm, shoes!
Acessorize. Of all the winters I think this is the best one, and it's the visual that makes it.
You see what I mean? I wonder if this is why Malls generally feel so soulless; because everything is so uniform and no real effort is made to present the stores as a present (its weird I know, but I like my stores to be a gift!) or create an atmosphere.
Here's hoping next weeks edition of what's in your window will look better and come from somewhere a little more exciting! Where do you suggest?
Love, Tor xx


  1. I love the windows of river island. The animal heads actually made me enter the shop - which is something I wouldnt normally do.

  2. Most stores have a template given to them to put up whether its Bournmouth, Bristol or Brent Cross. Oxford St is luckier in the showcasing of things. My fav windows are Fortnum & Mason so OTT and fab.

  3. The Union Jack never fails!

  4. i love the 2nd one but just because there are so so so many shoes xoxoox

  5. Good points on here. Creativity of windows presentation will always help to attract costumers. I've bought a number of outfits simply because I got drawn to windows presentation.

    btw friend, I'm still waiting for you to link me back. Please add me to you blogroll. Thanks a lot :)

  6. I'm hypnotized by all the shoes.

  7. I'm hypnotized by all the shoes.
