
Tuesday 22 September 2009

Follow me....i know the way to a great competition!!

I love running competitions on the blog; not only is it fun, it's also great to share some of the lovely samples and freebies i'm sometimes given with you guys. After all, I wouldn't be given them at all if you didn't keep reading!

Sooo...this giveaway is for a bumper pack of little freebies trinkets: mostly make up and jewellery and suprises! Which I will happily ship anywhere, so you can all get involved!

I'm not going to show you what's in the pack because it is going to be a massive super-cool suprise, but it will be wrapped with love and will also include a personalised poem about why I like your hair in it; i'm sure you have great hair!

All you have to do to win these great prizes is be a fabfrocks follower (if you aren't you can sign up using that little box to your right!) and leave me a little comment. Say absolutely anything you like (it can just be hi!!) but I am a big fan of jokes (innapropriate or otherwise!) and being told how lovely my hair is. I jest!

So get involved. The winner will be selected randomly from a comedy hat on the 4th October. You have until then....

Good luck!

Tor xx

PS - I'm hoping this has that 12 year old excitement of receiving a package from a penpal; I might even sprinkle glitter and sequins into the envelope!


  1. Since the hat is a comdey one, I am v v happy!! I follow Fabfrocks on googlereader (and your Twitter too!!!!).

  2. I'm a follower, both on Google and Twitter, and you do have lovely hair.

  3. Cool!! I have been a follower for a little while and I really enjoy your blog and your style!!

  4. hi! I've been following via google reader for a while now and have just added you to bloglovin (which I totally forgot about, hurray for more distractions as I'm trying to finish coursework!)
    and pen pal packages are the best aren't they?! I had loads of pen pals when I was younger, it'd be awesome to have one again now!

  5. Oh id love to win the secret bag of trinkets!! I really love seeing your style photos because your a real woman with real curves!!

    Thank you! :)

  6. Oo - I think I was already a follower. But maybe not. Either way, I definitely am now!

    I love seeing you rise through the fashion blogger ranks.

  7. I'm following :) And I love your blog, because your figure is simular to mine - just fabulous <3

  8. Loving your blog, unfortunatly I have poor comic-abilities. I do follow your blog though. Not funny, but a good reader, that's me!

  9. Gasp sweet glitter ♥

    Pick me pick me.

  10. Aww that's a lovely giveaway!
    I only just found your blog but it's really nice, I love your floral background.

    Florrie x

  11. Hello! Thanks to your post I just realized that I can follow your blog hahaha, yeah it took me a while to find that little box in the right part of the screen, I feel so stupid!

  12. Yay a giveaway!
    I only found your blog today but I love it already!
    P.s you do indeed have lovely hair :) x
