
Tuesday 24 February 2009

London Fashion Week aw09 - Day 3

Firstly apologies for the delay in posting these; who wants to read about what happened at LFW on Sunday on a Tuesday!? But blogger has been hating me and rejecting my photo uploads. And this just isn't any fun without photos! Secondly, apologies for not showing you what I was wearing but a) I got delayed by a phone call and was in a massive rush and b) it was far too dull to even talk about! I kept on the skinny jeans and t shirt I had been wearing to help my boyfriend build flat pack that morning (it seems that lately ikea is my life!) and threw on my grey brogues and my red St Michael coat. Needless to say I felt very unfashionable indeed.

My first stop was the Modernist presentation on Carnaby street. I wasn't really very impressed with either the presentation or the collection. On the london fashion week website when asked what had inspired the collection they replied; “Folk, craftwork and the macabre,” “the concept of an African winter. A lot of dark textures with flashes of metallic leather and shearling.” Whilst I will say that the attention to detail with the stitching and the panelling was impressive, and the sense of the starkness and macabre was overwhelming, to me the whole thing seemed rehashed, including the black birdcages that were the only set.
The item I liked most was a cropped boxy jacket with fringing on the epilets, but it felt to me like something I had seen so many times before.

From there I went on the the Bernard Chandran show in the Science Museum. The show was due to start at 7.30, and learning from yesterdays mistake, I arrived at 7.10....only to sit and wait for over an hour before they even started seating people for the show! What to do!

It was worth the wait though. To the beat of booming pulsating thudding music (which made my head hurt) the show opened to reveal a wealth of amazing dresses. I didn't read the blurb as this time I didn't have a seat, so I don't know what the theme was supposed to be, but it felt very urban space man to me: lots of muted metallics and sharp angles, and of course, oversized Star Wars style hoods!
This structure seemed more important than anything else. Like almost every other show there was also a very 80s overtone; lots of big shoulders and oversized sleeves. I was also a big fan of the elbow length wide topped gloves that I saw here and at Modernist.
I really liked the gathering along the sleeves and bodices, and I can see this being big on the highstreet next winter! Apologies for the blurry movement in all of the pictures - those models were stomping down the catwalk!
So far all of the shows i've been to have flashed by like a blur; do they really only last two minutes or does it just feel like it!?

I read an article in the london paper last week that said there are two types of people who go to London Fashion Week; those who go to see, and those who go to be seen. Well I'm definitely in the "to see category",mostly because i'm not famous or fashionable enough to be seen, but also because the whole thing just makes me feel even more socially awkward than I normally am! New additions to my list of things to work on this year: small talk and making introductions. Even when I can tell people are trying to make an effort (thanks people who did!) I just don't know what to say and feel like i'm making a fool of myself. I hope i'm not!

Straight home after the show (without even stopping for a little drink, I had to be up at 6.30 the following morning for work!) I'm so damn glam aren't I?! But at least I have tonight's Independent Fashion Bloggers party to behave recklessly at to make up for it!

I don't know what i'm looking forward to most....meeting all the amazing bloggers I read every day or putting on my outfit!




  1. i can relate to fashion week awkwardness, I'm just the same - back to being a shy kid.

  2. The fact the the Modernist comments on the LFW website is regarding their voodoo collection shown a year ago seems to have escaped you...
