
Monday 16 February 2009

Is it wrong that I......

....really really want this cape from the latest Victoria Beckham ready to wear collection?

I love it in all its swingy loveliness. And the close up should be showing the amazing zip details and the quality of the wool.

The wide funnel neck is a great touch and I love that the sleeves are close fitting, unlike almost all of the other cape style jackets on the market. So much more practical than those billowing sleeves that let the cold air in. (Sorry, I realise I just sounded like my mum!) Still, this cape is great: It's understated but attention grabbing, all at the same time.

I know it's wrong to like Victoria Beckham produced fashion and i'm sorry. If it's any consolation, I find the dresses to be non descript and uninspiring tube like structures, even if Mrs B has branched away from black this season. I do know i'm commiting a fashion sin. But if I had the mullah, i'd be hotfooting it to get this cape; and no amount of associated scorn could stop me!!

Much love,

Tor xxx

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