
Tuesday 23 December 2008

Once more into the breach, my friends...

Firstly, Merry Christmas everybody!

Secondly, this afternoon I will be cramming myself into a tincan (also known as a train) and making the seven hour trip to my parents for the festive period. As they dont have the internet (it really is grim t'up north!) my posting will become more sporadic than usual for the next 5-7 days.

The January sales are almost upon us, and the media friendly scrum that inevitably follows. Well, just for you dear reader, I intend to face that Lions den.
Whilst my poor boyfriend works in the period between Christmas and New Year, I shall be wandering the streets of London with only one thing on my mind: bagging some bargains! And in each store I enter, I shall be trying on 5 beautiful things, all for your viewing pleasure.
So my question to you is this: other than my favourite usual suspects (yes topshop, i'm talking about you again, that will be a pound please!) where shall I go? What saley delights would you like to see?
Suggest your stores of choice in the comments box and your wish will be my command. Isn't it amazing the lengths I go to to keep you amused??
I hope you all have a truly wonderful Christmas, full of food and family and friends. Oh yes, and fabulous presents too!!
Big festive love,
Tor x


  1. Hoss Intropia, Bershka and Zara plz? Can never get adequate skinny on them online! Happy Holidays.

  2. Oooh, yes, visit Zara! I've never been.

  3. I'm staying well away - such a shame!

  4. I'm going out in nyc too, VERY curious as to what's left and how much it's off after Xmas!
