
Tuesday 11 November 2008

Wearing my coat? Thats soo last season!

Like everyone else, I read the sartorialist on a semi regular basis and admire the beauty, style and randomness of it all (where else would you find pictures of pigeons having sex?) But a quick skim through this weeks posts this afternoon drew my attention to something worrying that I have been doing all wrong. See, I get up in the morning, get dressed, and throwy coat on. I thought this was OK. But actually, what I should've been doing is getting up, getting dressed, and draping my coat daintily over my shoulders. It's so unlike me to make these errors!
Actually, all joking aside, I think this is a really good idea. I always resent putting together a really great outfit and then ruining it by putting a massive coat over all my hard work. But by the same token i'm not crazy enough to leave the coat at home and risk hyperthermia for the sake of fashion. Well, not today anyway! The draped coat solves all these problems, and yet i'd never thought of it before. I think this is a look that would work particularly well with glamourous jewels and glitter peeking through for the evening, and over jeans and layered tshirts in the daytime: add some ladylike power to such a scruffy look.
Anyway. These are my thoughts at 5.30 this gloomy afternoon. Hometime and nandos for me!
Have a good evening.
Tor x


  1. Indeed start draping don't be a slouch!

  2. I love the coat in the 2nd pic but I'm not really for the style itself because it would bother me so much!
