
Friday 14 November 2008

Primark Pick of the Week #2

(Post 2 in the 3 post bonanza!)

Hello, me again!

So, i'm sure noone will be suprised to hear that last night I went to primark: invariably all of my trips to Oxford street end up there. And it made up for the disapointment in H&M (yes, i'm still going on about it!) I love Primark; it always suprises me when people say they can never find anything in there because to me it is the best place to buy fashion forward clothes you will only wear for a month or two on a tight budget. Anyway, I digress.

This military style band master coat is this weeks pick of the week. The tight fit at the top and buttons are quite masculine, but the ruffles that start from under the bust make the whole thing look girlie and feminine. Obviously it's completely over the top but I love it!

It comes in black:

And in red:

I got the red one, and, as everyone keeps pointing out, it looks just like the jacket Prince Charles is wearing in the new portrait to commemorate his 60th birthday today which just happens to be on the front page of every paper.

Mock as you will people! I love it! All I need to do now is decide whether a bowler or top hat would accompany it best? Yes, I mean it!

Love your walking cliche,



  1. Hey, i've been trying to find this coat everywhere since i saw it in a magazine but i've had no luck! Does all the London shops get stock before the rest of the country or something? :(

  2. I missed the chance to buy this jacket for £10...all down to me listening some friends saying oooohh its not nice...bloody friends im not going shopping with them again...
