
Monday 13 October 2008

Reasons to be cheerful....One, Two, Three!

Hello all,

Still no internet connection in Chateux de Tor, so I am squirrelling this down in my lunch hour. Mostly because I want to cheer everyone up! Winter is fast approaching, and everyone seems pretty SAD about it (see what I did there?)

When I got out of bed this morning it was still dark. It will be heading towards darkness when I finally make my way home tonight. And to top it all off I finally packed away all my pretty summer dresses last night and buried them in a suitcase under my bed, never to see light again (until next spring, anyway!) But is this making me blue? Am I sitting frantically under a sun lamp or applying fake tan in fever pitch denial? No I am not. And here are my 3 reasons why:

1. Winter is cold.
Yup, and that's a good thing. The colder it is the more clothes you have to wear to keep warm. And more clothes mean coats, glorious coats. And fashion layering potential galore.

Love the masculine oversized cut of this quadruple breasted (!) burberry coat.

Baggy, shapeless, it shouldn't work: but I love the cocoon coat!

Layer it up like a gossip girl. So preppy and cute: those pom pom ice skates will be mine!!

2. Winter is dark

The nights of sitting outside in beer gardens are over my friends. But i've got a better way for you to spend your winter evenings. Oh yes! Read books, lots of books.....books about fashion (no, not Tranny and Susannah) Here are the ones I want to get my mitts on:

Out Now: ABC of Mens Fashion, Hardy Amies

03/11/08: Fashion: Concept to catwalk-Studies in fashion, Olivier Gerval

07/11/08:Fashion victims: The catty catalogue of stylish casualties, from a-z, Micheal Roberts

3. Winter means Christmas!!

And halloween, and bonfire night, the 4 nights of advent, and lots of other reasons to get dressed up, dressed down, wrap up warm and hang out with your friends and family. This Wednesday my Mum and sister are coming down to the big smoke for a soujourn around Harrods Christmas world.

We're going to hit the shops (all wrapped up warm) escape the cold with gallons of tea and scones, and look forward to the long Christmas holidays, when we all get to be together again.

Santa, presents, and snuggling under a blanket with a good book whilst it snows. If those aren't reasons to be cheerful then I don't know what are!



1 comment:

  1. Good reasons, but i still hate the cold. Fall is waaaaay nicer than winter.
