
Friday 22 February 2008

Seeing stars, Wearing spots...

Hello reader(s)!

Firstly an apology: our blog posting has been very lax of late. Whilst Becky has an excuse what with all of her course work and illness, I have nothing to validly excuse myself of my laziness. I am healthy(ish) and rather light on the uni work load at the mo. However, instead of immerging myself in fashion, my reading, and trying to dress generally fabulous, I've spent the past week languishing in bed watching Diagnosis Murder (which I love) and Loose Women (which I hate) and generally feeling lethargic and sorry for myself for no good reason at all. Which is very unlike me and I don't know where it came from!

On the bright side, I also discovered a most amazing TV show (OK, technically a kids TV show) which I have fallen slightly in love with. It's called Bear Behaving Badly, and is about a cute little blue bear called Nev and his friend Barney- Pure. Genius. Made me glad I get to be at home at 3.30 every afternoon.
Then to compound my misery the BBC stole it away and replaced it with Shaun the Sheep (Which I can confirm is truly rubbish!) Thank God for Youtube.

Anyway all this is pretty irrelevant actually, and it's time to snap out of all of the self induced sorrow and return to my usual daily routine. And that, dear friends, means reading, shopping, socialising (yes, its time to return to the pub!) and writing my daily fashion related love letters to you!

So, Becky and I went shopping this afternoon (it's the only thing to do when you've had days as rubbish as ours) and I know Fashion Editors have been writing about it for months, but today I had my first encounter with star print that left me genuinely excited.

I love the bold pattern and the cute puff sleeves of this long line top, and I just know the fit would be divine! £32 seems a little on the expensive side for something that's 100% viscose and therefore wouldn't wash too well, but hey, that's Topshop!

This got me to thinking about the whole star print concept: I always associate star print with young slightly miserably looking emo kids, or early teenage girls.

(All the pictures taken from ebay.)

See? It's not a look I want to 'rock!' (I think that's what these emo kids do with their clothes) But this season the high street have been doing their level best to change my mind. Because of course, all highstreet colelctions are designed with me in mind.
Star print tunic. £18.

Star drop waist tunic. £28.

Star print belted top. New Look. £25.

The cut and fit of all of these clothes i'm sure would be really lovely. But the use of the star print......Do I love it? Do I hate it? I just don't know!

Overall then, my feelings towards star print is confusing: far too confusing to invest in (although I haven't stopped thinking about that Topshop top since I got home) So instead of choosing a star smothered shopping trip treat (or two) I opted for polka dots instead.

Polka dot dress, Primark £10. Belt, Primark (I love primark) Tights, H&M. Bracelet, Beijing street market. Shoes, Oxfam. (And I am really really sorry for my bad camera quality!)

Ok, so it makes me look a little top heavy, but I love the fresh colours teamed with the cute frills and the ability to accessorise. And polka dots are like the grown up version of stars minus a couple of pointy triangles, right? Right!

Lots of love,

Tor xx

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